Help Pass the “People First” Plan to End Homelessness in California
California’s politicians are trying to impose a new HOMELESSNESS TAX on you – help us stop them! The politicians are promoting failed “Housing First” policies that have wasting billions in taxpayer funds while making homelessness worse in our state.
We have a better plan called “People First” that will save lives and clean up our streets! Our plan requires that law enforcement be allowed to fully enforce ALL LAWS related to vagrancy, indecency and trespassing – and then uses law enforcement to get homeless into the treatment programs they desperately need.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Our campaign has a two-track strategy on homelessness in California.
Strategy 1: Oppose the homelessness tax hike proposals and wasteful Housing First projects.
Strategy 2: Place the “People First” Plan to Solve Homelessness on the ballot locally and statewide.
contribute whatever you can TODAY to this campaign!